Oil Of Oregano- Its Health Benefits, Uses, And Side Effects

When it comes to treating or preventing various infections, oregano oil has been demonstrated to be a potent essential oil made from plants that may even compete with antibiotics. It actually has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal effects. Let's understand the benefits of this oil in detail

Oil Of Oregano- Its Health Benefits, Uses, And Side Effects
Wiki Fit.com - Oil Of Oregano- Its Health Benefits, Uses, And Side Effects

The employment of antibiotics as a preferred instrument within the medical community for addressing a broad range of health conditions has been deeply ingrained for some time. These pharmacological tools are specifically engineered to combat bacterial infections. However, oregano oil, also referred to as oil of oregano, represents a natural and frequently overlooked alternative that physicians may not adequately inform their patients about.

When managing or preventing various infections, oregano oil has demonstrated its prowess as a powerful essential oil extracted from plants, even capable of competing with antibiotics. It encompasses a trifecta of antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal attributes.

Moreover, essential oregano oil is less likely to precipitate numerous undesirable side effects commonly linked to the excessive use of antibiotics. These may include an increased risk of antibiotic resistance, compromised gut health due to the eradication of beneficial probiotic bacteria, reduced absorption of critical vitamins, and the development of leaky gut syndrome stemming from the deterioration of the digestive tract's lining.

What Exactly Is Oregano Oil?

The mint family (Labiatae) includes the herb oregano (Origanum vulgare).

  • It is a precious botanical resource for more than 2,500 years in folk treatments with roots in cultures all over the world.

  • It is used to treat stomach trouble, indigestion, and colds. It is also used in cooking with both fresh and dried leaves.

  • Apart from this, It is one of the best herbs for healing. But you wouldn't put oregano essential oil in your pizza sauce.

  • In the Mediterranean region, much of Europe, and other parts of the world, oregano of the highest quality is grown.

  • This botanical treasure has multiple applications beyond its tasty presence in your spice rack or seasoning mixtures.

  • Its essential oil is jam-packed with sought-after therapeutic compounds!" It takes hundreds upon hundreds of pounds of this robust plant's flowering tops to extract even an ounce using advanced distillation processes.

  • Alcohol is used to retain the oil's active components, which are then utilized topically (on the skin) and orally in the form of essential oils.

Oregano is frequently referred to as the "oil of oregano" when it is converted into an essential oil or medical supplement. Oregano oil is regarded as a natural substitute for antibiotics, as was previously indicated.

Uses Of Oil Of Oregano

Oregano oil has benefits that go beyond just fighting infections. What additional diseases is oregano essential oil used for?

Typical ailments that oregano oil can help treat include:

  1. Toenail or athlete's foot fungus
  2. Typical colds
  3. Gingivitis
  4. Toothaches or earaches
  5. Digestive issues including small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) and heartburn

Components Of The Oil

Carvacrol and thymol, two potent chemicals found in the oil of oregano, have both been demonstrated in studies to have potent antibacterial and antifungal effects.

Carvacrol is the main component in oregano oil, although research indicates that the plant's leaves also contain phenols, triterpenes, rosmarinic acid, ursolic acid, and oleanolic acid, among other antioxidant substances.


Main Component Of Oil Of Oregano

Carvacrol, the main therapeutic component in oregano oil, is used widely for everything from treating allergies to defending the skin.

According to the Italian University of Messina's Faculty of Pharmacy. A monoterpenic phenol, carvacrol has gained notoriety for its broad spectrum of activity against pathogenic fungus, yeast, and bacteria that cause food deterioration as well as against human, animal, and plant pathogenic microorganisms, including those that are drug-resistant and form biofilms.

Because the carcavol in oregano essential oil is so potent, it has been the subject of over 800 studies that have been cited in PubMed, the most widely used database for scientific literature that is supported by evidence.

Carvacrol has been demonstrated in tests to assist in reversing or reducing some of these conditions, which should give you an idea of how amazing and multifunctional it is.

  • Infection with bacteria
  • Infections with fungi
  • Parasites Viruses
  • Inflammation
  • Allergies
  • Tumors Indigestion
  • Candida
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Here are some of oregano oil's top health Benefits:

1. A Natural Replacement for Antibiotics

What's wrong with regularly taking antibiotics?

Antibiotics with a broad spectrum of activity pose a risk since they can kill both harmful and beneficial bacteria, which are essential for maintaining good health.

A wonderful piece emphasizing the risks that patients may experience when they use antibiotics frequently appeared in the Wall Street Journal in 2013. Recent studies have shown that doctors are overprescribing broad-spectrum antibiotics, sometimes called the big guns, that kill a wide swath of both good and bad bacteria in the body.

Antibiotic overuse, coupled with an unnecessary prescription of broad-spectrum medications, brings forth a host of troubles, ultimately affecting human health negatively.

These practices often abet antibiotic-resistant infections while also reducing drug efficacy against these pathogens, thereby dismantling healthy probiotic bacteria responsible for numerous functions like digestion, vitamin synthesis, and infection prevention.

Broad-spectrum antibiotics are unfortunately frequently recommended, frequently for illnesses for which they are useless, such as viral infections.

What does the oil of oregano do for you that is so advantageous?

Taking oregano oil is essentially a "broad-spectrum approach" to health protection.
Numerous harmful pathogens, including bacteria, yeast, and fungi are combated by the product's active ingredients.

In 2013, research published in the Journal of Medicinal Food journal noted that oregano oils "represent an affordable source of natural antibacterial substances that displayed potential for use in pathogenic systems."

2. Fights Bacterial Overgrowth and Infections

The good news about using less-than-ideal antibiotics is this: There is proof that oregano essential oil can help combat at least a few bacterial types that cause illnesses and are frequently treated with antibiotics.

The benefits of oregano oil for certain ailments are highlighted in the following ways:

  • Oregano oil can be used in place of hazardous antibiotics for a variety of health issues, according to dozens of research.

  • A study evaluating the antibacterial efficacy of oregano oil against five distinct types of harmful bacteria was published in the 2011's Journal of Medicinal Food.

  • Oil of oregano demonstrated substantial antibacterial effects against all five species after being evaluated for its antibacterial qualities.

  • The strong activity was seen against E. Coli, indicating that oregano oil may one day be regularly utilized to support digestive health and avert fatal food poisoning.

Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture conducted a study in 2013 that concluded that O. vulgare extracts and essential oil from Portuguese origin are strong candidates to replace synthetic chemicals used by the industry.

Researchers from the study discovered that Origanum vulgare, which has antioxidant and antibacterial capabilities, was able to stop the growth of seven tested bacterial strains in a way that other plant extracts could not.

Research has established beyond doubt that oregano oil is capable of battling deadly bacteria such as listeria and E.coli along with harmful fungi.

Notably, investigations demonstrated that active components like thymol and carvacrol found in oregano oil can tackle bacterial infections responsible for ailments such as toothaches or earaches too.

An article published in The Journal Of Infectious Diseases explained how essential oils present within the ear canal could successfully treat acute otitis media.


3. Reduces Side Effects Of Medication

According to numerous research, one of the most promising oregano oil benefits is its ability to lessen drug/medication side effects. These studies give patients trying to find a method to manage the terrible agony that comes with medications and medical procedures like chemotherapy or the use of medications for long-term diseases like arthritis hope.

The medicine methotrexate (MTX) is frequently prescribed to treat a variety of conditions, including cancer and rheumatoid arthritis, but it is also well known to cause harmful side effects. Researchers believe Oregano's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory characteristics are responsible for the oil's capacity to keep these variables at bay.

It has been demonstrated that Oregano is more effective than medications at offering complete defense against the side effects of MTX.

According to experts, the antioxidant properties present in Oregano oil protect the body from harmful reactions from high doses of this ingredient.

In addition, research shows that when treating Iron-deficiency anemia through Oral Iron Therapy, oregano essential oil can provide significant relief because it can inhibit "bacterial overgrowth" in the large intestine, thereby reducing symptoms of nausea, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, and vomiting.

Carvacrol appears to target gram-negative bacteria's outer membranes by enhancing permeability. Its antibacterial features and interfering with specific bacterial iron management pathways act as a deterrent to prevent deterioration.

4. Treatment for Athlete's Foot

In one study, the bacterial strains T. rubrum and T. mentagrophytes, which frequently cause the fungal infection known as athlete's foot, were inhibited by the use of heat, salt, and essential oils, including oregano.

The researchers concluded that using salt, aromatic oils, and thermotherapy in a foot bath to treat tinea pedis would be promising. Oregano oil was discovered to be the most effective (followed by thyme, cinnamon bark, lemongrass, and clove) after testing the fungicidal activity of 11 essential oils against the bacteria known to cause athlete's foot.

5. Treats digestive problems, such as SIBO and heartburn

Many of the active ingredients in origanum vulgare can help with digestion by easing GI tract muscles and balancing the amount of good to bad bacteria in the gut.

One of the active ingredients in oregano, thymol, is related to the ingredient menthol that is present in peppermint oil. Similar to menthol, thymol could alleviate sore throat and stomach muscles, reducing GERD, heartburn, and post-meal discomfort.

Oregano essential oil is also a well-liked natural remedy for candida and SIBO due to its ability to balance bacteria and combat yeast overgrowth. Gas, bloating, and intolerances to numerous foods high in carbohydrates (particularly FODMAPs) are symptoms of the digestive disorder SIBO.

6. May aid in treating parasites

In one study, it was discovered that taking 600 milligrams of oregano daily for six weeks significantly reduced gastrointestinal symptoms in adults with positive feces for enteric parasites, such as Blastocystis hominis, which causes digestive pain.

Entamoeba hartmanni (four instances), Endolimax nana (one case), and Blastocystis hominis (eight cases) all completely vanished, according to researchers. Seven of the 11 patients who tested positive for Blastocystis hominis, a parasite that frequently results in symptoms including nausea, gas, bloating, and stomach discomfort, reported improvements in their gastrointestinal symptoms.

7. Effective in Treating Inflammatory Diseases (Like Rheumatism or IBD)

Oregano remains a top-tier herb in maintaining healthy living due to its potent antioxidant effects, which stay consistent whether fresh or dried. The high concentration of antioxidants and its effective property to scavenge free radicals makes oregano essential oil effective at reducing oxidative damage while mitigating mutagenesis, carcinogenesis, and aging.

Free radicals are problematic when dealing with chronic illnesses such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, or neurological disorders, including drug toxicity; however, research shows that using thyme alongside oregano oils could limit the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines beneficial for conditions such as colitis.

Oregano oil has also proved useful in treating rheumatoid arthritis and recurring respiratory illness.

Additionally according to the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba in Argentina, Origanum vulgare essential oil presents antioxidant, antibacterial and chemopreventive properties which could provide much-needed bio-protection against agents that cause disease.


8. Could Help Lower Cholesterol Levels

The efficacy of oregano oil supplementation demonstrates potential cholesterol-lowering benefits based on research findings published by the prestigious Journal of International Medical Research; fifty-two participants diagnosed with mild hyperlipidemia volunteered to participate.

While all received advice regarding low-fat diet and healthy lifestyle habits, only thirty-two chosen individuals in the study group ingested 25 milliliters of oregano distillate after each meal for three months, while sixteen subjects served as controls.

The study group outperformed the control group in terms of both increases in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol and decreases in low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol after the three-month research period.

How To Use The Oil Of Oregano?

If it is 100% therapeutic-grade oil, it can be applied topically, diffused, or taken orally. Ideally, you should get oregano oil that is 100% pure, unfiltered, and USDA-certified organic.

  • Oregano oil soft gels and capsules are additional forms that can be consumed orally.

  • Always blend oregano essential oil with a carrier oil first, like coconut oil or jojoba oil, before applying it to your skin. Diluting the oil, lowers the chance of irritability and unpleasant responses.

  • Apply topically by massaging the mixture into the skin over the affected area. To use it topically, combine three drops of undiluted oregano oil with a small amount of your carrier oil.

Organic Healing oils for your Health
Organic healing oils are one of the best way to boost your health and wellness and discover ways to incorporate them into your daily routine. These essential oils have been used for centuries to treat a variety of health conditions and to promote overall health.

How Much Oil Of Oregano Is To Be Taken Internally?

The amount of oregano essential oil you take internally depends on the ailment you're trying to address.

Oral supplementation with emulsified oregano in capsule form is normally 600 milligrams per day. (Either administered in a single dose or twice.

Making digestive-aid tea with oregano leaves is a traditional oregano use.

To create your oregano tea, steep 15 grams of oregano leaves in 250 milliliters of water for at least five to ten minutes (or longer for a stronger herbal infusion, up to 24 hours). You may also purchase oregano tea already brewed.

Ask your doctor if oregano oil is okay to use internally based on your particular scenario because it may interact with other medications.

Risks And Side Effects-What restrictions apply to oregano oil? It's not evident right now.

Because oregano essential oil is so potent, It is typically taken internally for two weeks at most.

  • Oregano oil must always be diluted with water or combined with coconut oil before ingestion.

  • To prevent throat burning, it is useful to blend oregano oil with olive oil in capsules.

  • You should always use carrier oil and perform a small patch test before applying oregano to your skin to avoid any adverse reactions.

  • Oregano oil is generally not seen as safe to take while pregnant, while pregnant women can usually consume oregano in dried form.

  • Pregnant women should exercise caution and only use oil oregano if directed to do so by their doctors.

  • If you ever suffer any negative effects, including nausea, vertigo, or an allergic response, stop using oregano oil immediately away and think about consulting a doctor.

How To Make Oil Of Oregano?

Here is a recipe for making oil of oregano at home:


  • Dried oregano leaves, 1 cup
  • Olive oil, 1 cup.


  • Put the dried oregano leaves in the container.
  • Oil the oregano leaves with olive. Ensure that you thoroughly enclose them.
  • Completely close the jar.
  • For four to six weeks, keep the jar in a warm or sunny location.
  • Use a sieve or muslin cloth to filter the oil after 4-6 weeks.
  • Throw oregano leaves in the trash.
  • Keep the oil in a cold and dark place.


  • Origanum vulgare or oregano herb is used to make oil of oregano.

  • Oil of oregano has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.

  • The health benefits of oregano oil include preventing tumor growth, bacterial infections, fungal infections, digestive problems and inflammatory conditions.

  • You can use oil of oregano topically to treat athlete's foot or nail fungus, disperse it or ingest it to assist digestion and gut health.